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Tackling tricky questions on occasionally taboo topics, all with the aim of comically clueing you up on Iranian culture. We also host Iran's number one English-language podcast, based in Iran. #FreeAskAnIranian
© 2025 Ask An Iranian.
Listen to the peculiar prequel to our interview with Persian Girls Podcast.
We’re joined by Mr. Yoshioka, a Japanese expat currently living and working in Iran.
Listen to us discuss the telltale signs of how Iranians speak, or at least try to.
Listen to our conversation with Mehrva to learn about the uniqueness of Iranian café culture and where to go to for a first date in Iran.
We discuss why Iranians want to give you anything and everything for free, until they don’t.
Listen to us discuss dance music in Iran, and the difficulties of being a DJ in a Islamic Republic.
Learn how to express frustration, how to be sarcastic and how to tell someone where to go when they’ve ticked you off.
We talk to a successful Iranian podcaster about the expanding Persian language podcasting scene.
In this show we help you learn about famous Iranians by playing the ‘Name Game’. Listen in and play along!
In this episode we’re joined by an Iranian chef, Shahriar of Shahriar’s Kitchen, who joins us to discuss Iranian flatbreads.
In this episode we discuss what happened when we asked 6,769.5 Iranians whether they support Trump.
In this episode we discuss an odd question by Karen, who we suspect has Iranian friends that keep telling her, “don’t be tired”.
In this episode we do our very best to answer a question by Murat, who seems to know how important it is to bring Iranians souvenirs.
Listen to our second show, and learn about the “door dance”.
Listen to our first show, and learn how to best greet an Iranian.