In this episode, we discuss the peculiar Iranian practice of wanting to give you anything and everything for free… until they don’t. We help you understand when it happens, why it happens and what you should do when confronted with it. See if we learn more about why Iranians won’t take your money.
We also get you answers to these questions
- What does “ghaabel nadaareh” (قابل نداره) mean?
- How do I know when I should and shouldn’t pay for something in Iran?
- What should I say in response to “ghaabel nadaareh” (قابل نداره)?
- Where you can find ‘Majid Laboo-fooroosh Sar e Kooche Berlan’?
We’d like to thank ‘Majid Laboo-fooroosh Sar e Kooche Berlan’ for sponsoring this show about why Iranians won’t take my money.
Music: “Mahvash, Parivash”, Jalal Hemmati
Image credit: Hasan Almasi.
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