What somebody identifies as has been all the rage in recent years, but like nearly everything—ever!—Iranians did it first. Since 1935, when Iran ceased to officially be Persia, Iranians have been choosing to refer to themselves as Persians. Throughout the following years, the reasons have changed for why one identifies as Iranian or Persian, and it’s exactly this that we wanted to explore. To help you understand more about this matter, we invited two girls that identify as Persian. In fact, they doubly identify as Persian, going as far as using it to identify their podcast. Yup, once again we had the pleasure of Persian Girl Podcast join us to discuss when to say your Persian, what it means to say you’re Persian, and whether one is more correct than the other. So listen to this episode to find out, “Persians vs. Iranians… who wins?”
Questions we get answers to in this episode
- Are Iranians Persians, or Persians Iranians?
- Which is the correct term for the language: Persian or Farsi?
- Do Iranians/Persians have a dedicated dating app? Yes, Sheytoon
- Why did Persian Girl Podcast choose the name Persian Girl Podcast?
- Where can I listen to the previous episode with Ask An Iranian and Persian Girl Podcast? “What should I know before dating a Persian girl?”
And the links to the Persian Girl Podcast website and store are here:
Music credit: “Mahvash, Parivash”, Jalal Hemmati
Image credit: Picture of Cyrus the Great (contact us for information or credit), edited by Ask An Iranian
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