As is said in Persian, “Iranians worship strangers”, and therefore lavishing them with nuts and tea is a standard. To take it to the next stage however, Iranians need to bring out the compliments and the comedy. In this episode we explore that, and more, with an emerging young Iranian comedian, based in Toronto. Neema Naz joins us to chat about Iranian humour and the contemporary comedy scene, as well as his recent role in the hit TV series, The Boys. So, are Iranians funny?
Questions we get answers to during this episode
- Who is Neema Naz the Iranian/Canadian comedian and actor?
- What type of comedy is funny for Iranians?
- Are Iranians funny?
- Who are the funniest Iranian comedians?
- Are there comedy shows in Iran?
- What has happened to comedy during Covid-19?
- How do I become a comedian?
- What types of social media are more effective for a comedian?
- Where do ‘Ask An Iranian’ record their podcast shows?
- What do Iranians mean when they say “putting watermelons under your arms”? […they’re overly complimenting you]
Music credit: “Mahvash, Parivash”, Jalal Hemmati
Image credits: scene from The Boys ©Sony Pictures Television Inc. and Amazon Content Services LLC.
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U know what!??actually i didnt like episodes in which u have a guess.because they interrupted the mode of ur podcast. I liked the way u two guys talk with each other and explain the topic. I lough with u and concentrate on ur discussion but new guess has new trend that is new for our ear. Wish u luck boys..
Hi Samaneh, thank you for the comment and thank you for your insight. It’s great to hear what our audience thinks works and doesn’t. We’ll bare this in mind with future episodes. Two of the main reasons that we invite guests on the show are, firstly, it helps give a wider perspective, and secondly, it helps us grow our audience.